Monday, 16 January 2012


1. What name is most appropriate for the college magazine?
·      College 101
·      Student 101
·      ChitChat

2. How much do you think it should cost?
·      Free
·      20p
·      50p
·      £1

3. Which language do you think is most appropriate?
·      Formal
·      Informal

4. What topics do want in the magazine?
·      College events
·      Local events
·      Celebrities
·      Music and film reviews
·       Fashion

5. What colours do you think would be most       appropriate?
·      Orange, white and black
·      Blue and purple and white
·      Blue, red and white

6. How often do you want it?
·      Weekly
·      Monthly
·      Every 3 months

7. Do you want it online or in hand?
·      Online
·      In hand

8.  What pictures would you prefer to see in the magazine?
·      Students
·      College area
·      Ludlow

1 comment:

  1. ChitChat
    Music and film reviews
    Blue, red and white
    In hand

    Fashion Questionnaire
