Tuesday 24 January 2012


1.    Do you read music magazines often?·     

  •   Yes
  •      No
  •   Sometimes
 2. Which name do you think is most appropriate for my music   magazine?

  •        Urban Edge    
  • Urban Burst

  •     Chilled Edge
  •  Cool Blast

 3. How much do you think it should cost?

  •         £2.50   
  •   £2.99
  •    £3.50
  •   £3.99

4. Which colours would you prefer for the music magazine?
·        Black, Red, White
·        Black, Purple, Blue
·        Red, Orange, White
·        Green, Blue, White
5. Which content would you prefer to see in the magazine? Tick more than one.
·        Interviews with artists
·        Interviews with producers
·        Album reviews
·        Artist reviews
·        The official chart
·        Gossip
·        Gigs
·        Competitions

6. How many magazines do you read a month?

  •     1    

  •     2
  •     3
  •    4
  •    5
7. How would you prefer to read the magazine?

  •    In hand
  •     Online
8. How often do you think they should be published?
  •     Once a month
  •     Three times a month
  •     Once every six months
9. How many pages should the magazines contain?
  •     60
  •    75
  •    100
  •    125
  •    150
10. What kind of adverts would you like to see in the magazine?
  •     Clothes
  •    Films
  •     Games
  •    Music
  •    Food
  •     Phones

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