Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Campus Life- Analysis                 

This magazine is targeted at students who go to university. The masthead is bold and white, which is very eye catching. Also it is in the background, which connotes that the contents are more important. The title is called ‘CAMPUS LIFE’ which connotes that is covers a lot of topics and targets all genres. The central image is very large and fills the whole page with no other images on the cover. It also overlaps the masthead to show importance. A puff is included to give students an opportunity to win a 8GB Zune that most students may not be able to afford. Also there are cover lines, which vary different topics to interest different people.
The contents in this magazine have a selection of images to show the different topics included in the magazine. Also it is quite formal and grown up by the use of fonts and colours of black and red. The contents show that the magazine has been split into different sections, which could interest different people. They also call the contents page ‘Table of Contents’ which is different and fresh from other magazines.

247. - Analysis

247. Is a student magazine targeted at university students. The masthead is in the top right corner and has a different font to the other writing on the page, which helps make it stand out. Also is it white and bold on a green background, which also helps it stand out. The magazine is called 247. Which connotes that it doesn’t have a target genre.  The central image is very large and fills the whole page. The background is very colourful which could connote student life. It also helps to magazine to be very eye catching. The cover lines are organized on the right bottom corner of the page which makes them easy to read and so that its not to busy.
The contents page has one main image in the middle of the page, which is artwork. This helps the page seem calm and doesn’t make it too busy.  It also includes information to get in contact with the magazine company. There is also a section at the bottom called the ‘Editors Letter’ where the editor sums up the magazine and persuades the readers to read the whole magazine not just certain sections. The contents page is split in to different sections so the readers can easily find what they want to read. The background is orange, which relates to the image and helps the entire information stand out which is in white.

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