Monday 16 January 2012

Introducing Main Task

Now that I have completed the prelim task, I am going to begin to research and plan for the main task which is to produce a front cover, contents page and a double page spread for a music magazine.

Action Plan

16th Jan:
  • Compare Magazines & research the magazine market place
  • Research similar products: 3X front covers, 2X contents page, 2X double page spread

24th Jan:
  • Initial ideas
  • Audience research 
  •  Writing treatment plan

30th Jan:
  • Layout/ Masthead ideas
  •  Plan photoshoot and take photos
  • Drafting of pages
  •   Audience feedback

6th- 27th Feb
  • Drafting of pages
  •  Audience feedback

5th March:
  • Evaluation

16th March:
  •     Final Deadline

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